EngageCRM for Education

Designed and used by Colleges, Universities and Independent Providers

Save time and money with EducationCRM

Unlimited Users
Cloud hosted in the UK (ANS)
Easy migration and import process
Customise the system for your needs
Save administrative time re-entering data
360° view of customer and learner data

Key Features

Centralise Enquiries

• Website forms
• Connect Inbound Telephone
• Sync user Email accounts
• Connect Social Media

    Activities & History 

    • Cross Department Tasks
    • Inbound/Outbound Calls
    • Shared Calendar
    • Email reminders

    Sales & Proposals

    • Proposals status and history
    • Vacancies & Job Placements
    • Sales pipeline management
    • Forecasting and reporting

    Organise Contact Data

    • Employer & school engagement
    • Categories and groups
    • History of interactions


    • Online Application
    • Generate Paperwork
    • Vacancies & Placements
    • Enrolment status tracking

    Events & Courses

    • Schedule Events
    • Connect to website
    • Manage Attendee Status
    • Send Feedback Surveys

    Email Marketing

    • Build HTML email Templates
    • Track bulk Email Campaigns
    • Create Automated Emails
    • Build & send online Surveys

    Exam scheduling

    • Book and schedule Exams
    • Email notifications & reminders
    • Success reports and dashboard

    Reports & Dashboards

    • Create basic reports
    • Set email scheduler
    • Advanced dashboards by Grafana

    Tab 2

    • Website

    • Inbound Calls

    • Emails

    • Social Media

    Tab 3

    • Who’s responsible?

    • Have they followed up?

    • Internal communication

    • Multiple spreadsheets


    • Proposals status and history

    • Sales pipeline management

    • ££ Forecasting and reporting


    • Employer & school engagement

    • Categories and groups

    • History of interactions

    • Multiple spreadsheets


    • Repeated data entry

    • Completing Paperwork

    • Vacancies & Placements

    • Application status tracking

    • Caseload management


    • Email Templates

    • Email Campaigns

      • High cost solution

      • Newsletters

      • Surveys

    See what our clients say...

    "Always trying to help make our day eaiser"

    We have organised all our processes using the CRM system, having gone from utilising multiple spreadsheets of data into one central database with full support throughout.

    This has improved productivity, organisational processes and fundamentally our client relationships.

    The team at EngageCRM are friendly, knowledgeable and always trying to help us find new and innovative ways of making our day easier.

    Jayne Jones
    Business Development Manager 
    NPTC Group of Colleges

    Advanced Reporting & Dashboards

    Using an open source application called Grafana, we have designed and built advanced dashboards and reports 

    Available dashboards we have already created
    Marketing, Sales, Tasks and Courses dashboards
    Bespoke Dashboard for you and your team
    Displayed on CRM user homepage

    Try EngageCRM for free.

    No credit card, no subscription, no risk.

    Stay Connected

    Tel: 01793 236246
    Email: info@engagecrm.co.uk
    Address: 1 Milton Road, Swindon, SN1 5JE

    Copyright © EngageCRM UK. All Rights Reserved.


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